Finally my blog is working... Worked a lot for make this design and fix a lot of error, but now looks nice ^^.
In this blog i will try to post all my adventures, founds and battles, relations with my friends ingame and other things. My first language is Spanish, so is possible that i will have a lot of grammar error... but is the only way for make it "massive". (and enter in the blog's competition of neosteam? xDDD)

So lets start!!

My first post will be about my beloved pet, Teshys. She is finally lvl3! was a real pain make it to that lvl -_- and still 2 more lvl's for 5. His class is "undine", a water nymph from German mythology, thats why i named it Teshys, an aquatic sea goddess & mother goddess of Oceanid from Greek mythology.

Undine is a pet class that heal, so you can't imagine how she help me when i'm training or in pvp... the only problem is that she heal when she wants xD and when i was lv-30, on garden (pvp area) she missed a lot trying to heal me... a bug? no idea.
She is cute... but some times just a little pampered >.<