Was fun, talking with a friend he asked me "Neo WHAT!?" then i started to explain him about this old concept named Steam Punk. Because we are animators, the best way to explain him was talking about Steamboy from Katsuhiro Ōtomo... Was a nice talk, but he told me that he prefer play WOW -_-U Oh well.

You still want read more about the steampunk? Press read more.

Steampunk is a subgenre of fantasy, sci-fi... well, more a speculative fiction, which came into prominence in the early 1990s. Is like: imagine that the principal energy is still the steam power. All is moved with steam... like Steam Locomotives.
Usually this genre is set in Victorian era England.

Well, NeoSteam is more fantasy than the common steampunk series, but still have the influence. On Neosteam the Maestros were able to create a Neo Steam Receiver, a machine used to store Neo Steam energy.

Cool no?
Want read or see any anime with steampunk realms?
The Difference Engine, William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic book, Alan Moore's and Kevin O'Neill's
Iron Council, China Miéville

Fullmetal Alchemist
Last Exile

for more check here on wiki.

Happy play ^^